General questions

I'm using other 3D program ( Blender, C4D, Sketchup, etc.)
- You can purchase our single products in the "3D Models" section because they are mostly provided with FBX files so you may bring them into other 3D programs (C4D, Blender, Sketchup, Lumion, Revit, Maya, etc.)
- Most 3D programs allow FBX import (check if yours can import .FBX files)
- Please, also check on the product page if FBX format is available before purchase.
- For NM-Lab System™ & Environment Packs, we couldn’t remain the same offer policy because of their tight dependencies to Forest Pack Pro plug-in, exclusively dedicated to 3ds Max users and also, not handled within the FBX exporting process.
What is the difference between [Standard Version] and (Single Engine) version?
The [Standard Version], as the name suggest, is the full version of the product with the original price.
The (Single Engine) version is the same product but fully dedicated to the renderer of your choice.
We offer you the opportunity to access the products based on your workflow and, in this way, obtain a lower price.
Read more about pricing policy here.
In [Standard Version] products, you did'nt mention 3dsMax version and rendering engine version. Is it based on (single engine) version?
Absolutely, the (single engine) versions are extracted from [standard version].
How do I reset my account password?
Log out first, then go to the login page, click on "Forgot password" (even if you know it). A password reset e-mail will be sent to you.
I subscribed to the newsletter but I haven't received my 10% discount code.
Please wait 5 to 10 minutes and check your spam folder. If you still haven't received anything, contact our support team.
Contact our support
Please use the form at the bottom of this page.

Payments, Tax & Refund

What forms of payment do you accept?
- Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, etc.) with Stripe
- Paypal
[VAT Exemption procedure] for EU business customer (EU B2B):
EU business customers (except France) may be exempt from VAT. Here is the process to follow:
1/ You must have created an account on the store and be logged in.
2/ Go to your account page, scroll down, and you will see the EU VAT ID Form at the bottom left of the page.
3/ Enter your VAT ID, then click on "Save VAT ID." In this way, your VAT ID will be saved to your account for your next purchase.
4/ Always check carefully if the VAT exemption works on the final checkout page before paying for your order. If the VAT exemption doesn't work, contact us before paying for your order (no VAT refund will be given).
[IMPORTANT NOTE] regarding VAT refund requests
Dear Customers,
Please be aware that the VAT exemption service is intended to facilitate your purchasing process. It is a pre-purchase service. If you encounter any issues using it, or if you did not enter your VAT number correctly, you should still recover the VAT during your annual declaration.
It is crucial that you follow the procedure correctly to use this service. We provide it to help you avoid paying VAT upfront. However, if you do not use it or ensure it is functioning correctly before making a purchase, NM-Lab cannot be held responsible.
Please note that it is impossible for us to refund VAT or change invoices that are generated automatically. This is beyond our control.
We offer a pre-exemption service, but in cases of misuse or non-use of this service, it will be impossible for us to change the billing in our accounting system and process any refunds.
Customers who do not use this service or do not verify its proper operation before completing their purchase will not be eligible for a post-purchase VAT refund and must recover their VAT through the standard annual declaration process.
Thank you for your understanding.
VAT ID checking seems broken
VAT validation is carried out through the official EU VIES servers.
For reasons unknown and beyond our control, these EU VIES servers are sometimes unavailable.
Solution: We invite you to wait and try validating your VAT ID again later.
It's also possible that this is due to an overload of their servers (for example, during Black Friday periods). In this case, we invite you to force the validation process by repeatedly clicking on 'save id' until the validation works (even 10 times or more).
Refund policy
Since Nouvelle Mesure Lab is offering non-tangible/irrevocable goods (digital products) which cannot be returned, no refund or exchange will be given for mistakenly purchased wrong format(s)/product(s) or due to dissatisfaction.
So please check carefully format(s) & 3ds max version when paying for your order.
For more information about our refund policy, please read Article 6. here.
I have mistakenly purchased the wrong format(s)/product(s). Can I request a file format exchange?
- If you have not downloaded the file(s), we can make a format exchange.
- If you have already downloaded the file(s), any exchange request will be refused. It is therefore unnecessary to contact us for this type of request.
As this is non-tangible, irrevocable goods we do not issue exchange once the order is accomplished and our tracking software showed that you have downloaded the file(s).


How does sending files work?
Once your order is confirmed :
- Wait one minute on the order page during the preparation download process.
- We also sent you a download link(s) email:
Subject : [Nouvelle Mesure Lab] Order #1234 Your downloads are ready
Notes: For our free products, digital files are only delivered by email.
Where is my donwload link e-mail?
Once you have purchased a product, you will automatically receive a download link by email within one minute.
E-mail subject : "Your downloads are ready".
Please, before contacting us :
- Wait 1 minute so that your donwload links are ready.
- Check your inbox promotion or social section (some mail algorithm classification are capricious).
- Check your spam or bulk email folder.
- Search "Your downloads are ready" in your inbox search bar.
Is the download link limited? why?
Yes, each product has a download expiry limited up to 3 (three) times, so keep your downloaded products and your links safely protected ! This limitation is present to avoid any fraudulent act of file sharing contrary to our terms & conditions
How to download the latest product update?
When a product is updated, you will receive an email from Nouvelle Mesure Lab entitled: "Update available for "TheNameOfTheConcernedProduct"
Please, before contacting us:
- Search "Nouvelle Mesure Lab Update available for " in your inbox search bar.
- Check your inbox promotion or social section (some mail algorithm classification are capricious).
- Check your spam or bulk email folder.


How to download my invoice?
- You can download your invoice on your account page (click on "Download PDF Invoice").
- Or download it from the link in your order confirmation email (click on "Download your PDF invoice").
I don't find my order confirmation in my mailbox
Before contacting us, we suggest you to:
- check your spam, promotion or bulk email folder
- Type the words below in your mailbox search bar: "nouvelle mesure lab order confirmed "
How to add my VAT number on my invoice?
1/ You must have created an account on the store and be logged in.
2/ Go to your account page, scroll down, and you will see the EU VAT ID Form at the bottom left of the page.
3/ Enter your VAT ID, then click on "Save VAT ID." In this way, your VAT ID will be saved to your account for your next purchase.
Your VAT ID will be mentioned on your invoice.
Can you modify my invoice?
The invoice is automatically generated and sent by Shopify bot based on the data you entered.
Unfortunately we do not have the possibility to modify the invoice once it has been generated.
Please ensure that you do not make any mistakes when entering your details before purchasing.

NM-Lab System™

NM-Lab System™ requirements
- 3ds Max 2018 or above
- Forest Pack Pro 5.4.0 (itoo software) or above
- Corona renderer or Vray
What is the "All-In-One Distribution" feature ?
This means that NM-Lab System™ works with only one ForestPack Pro object.
This is one of the most powerful feature allowing you to create & manage realistic environments in seconds.
Can I see a demo of NM-Lab System™
Yes, here is NM-Lab System™ Quick Demo
How can I download NM-Lab System™ Manual?
Since April 2022 update, you can simply download the NM-Lab System™ Manual by scanning the QR code in your .max file (scan it with your smartphone directly from your screen).
If you have difficulty downloading it, please contact our support.
The System doesn't seem to work properly after merging into my scene.
Here are some quick points to check :
- Make sure that all system textures are found by 3dsMax
- Make sure you have applied a 5x5m UVWmap modifier on your scene terrain
- Make sure you didn't change the distribution setting in ForestPack
Anyway, please read the NM-Lab System PDF Manual, simply scan the QR-Code in your System-Card and download it.
QR Code does not work (can't access to NM-Lab System™ Manual)
We have decided to end our partnership with our QR code provider and switch to a new service provider.
In the meantime, please access the manual and the NM-Lab interface by clicking the following [link].
We will update the QR codes in the MAX files shortly. Until then, please refer to the link.
Thank you for your understanding.

Environment Packs

What is included in your "Environment Packs"?
Our environment packs include 2 max files :
- Assets max file
- Scene max file : the whole 3d scene showed in previews and distributed with ForestPackPro
Do your environment packs come with the lighting and the cameras you used for your previews?
- Our environment packs previews are lighted with HDRi from other campagnies we can not include in our products. Also, please note that each shots are often lighted with different HDRi rotation or HDRi file in the same pack.
- Our environment packs are provided without cameras we used for preview, you get a clean default scene.
Why I don’t get exactly the same rendering look, comparing to your previews on “the Lab”?
When you open the file you may get a different rendering look because :
- In our previews, we use HDRi (from some company we can not include in our digitals products). As a result, our HDRi lighting is different & adaptated for each previews. When you will open our scene, there is just one default sun, it's up to you to replace it and find the right lighting for each shots!
- We happen to use fog (volumetrics) for some rendering and we prefer to give you a clean default scene.
- Sometimes we have duplicated terrain (instanced) and rotated it to give more depth in our previews.
- The previews are rendered with Corona. Vray versions may look slightly different.
- Our product does not contain cameras we used for previews.
Can you tell me/us which HDRi did you use in your environment pack's preview?
We have done hundreds of previews, often, several different HDRi are used in the same pack's preview, some are also combined with direct sun lighting.
We obviously don't memorize all these lighting settings for each shot.
We sell assets and structured scenes, we don't sell renders. It's up to you to look for some beautiful lighting. Sure you will!

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How can I subscribe to your newsletter?
- Use the subscription form at the bottom of the page
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Contact Us
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Our customer support is available Monday to Friday: 8am-7:30pm (UTC+1)
The support is in English.